



IT Projects & Jobs

2024 Test and Implementation VMware VDI appVolumes
2024 Test and Implementation Veeam Immutable Storage
2023 Disc Array Reorganization
2022 Migration VMware NSX-V to NSX-T
2020 Implementation and test some cloud services from Microsoft Azure (Intune, IoT HUB, etc.)
2020 Implementation "Corporate Home Office" using VPN
2019 Redesign topology in core corporate network using CISCO ASA cluster
2019 Implementation VMware UEM to VDI
2018 Implementation Trend Micro Security Appliances into VMware NSX
2018 Implementation BGP to WAN
2017 Implementation VMware NSX - Software Defined Networking
2016 Upgrade corporate network with new core switches CISCO NEXUS
2015 Implementation backup solution VEEAM (previously used system EMC Networker)
2014 IBM PureFlex Nodes connection into core corporate network
2014 Implematetion intranet system using cloud service Share Point Online from Microsoft 365
2013 Testing Federation Services (Microsoft ADFS ) and Workplace Join and Multifactor Authentication
2013 Migration corporate mail services from IBM Lotus Notes to Exchange Online in Microsoft Office 365 cloud
2013 Implementation Desktop Virtualization (VDI) using VMware Horizon
2012 Testing and comparing cloud office services (Google vs. Microsoft Office365)
2012 Implementation LAN interconnection using 10 Gbps via LW optical service
2012 Implementation SAN interconnection using FC switches via LW 4Gbps optical lambda service
2011 Implementation servers virtualization using VMware vSphere and HW Server IBM x3850 as hypervizors
2010 Creating web DUPEDUP using HTML and PHP
2009 Upgrade core corporate network using CISCO ASA
2009 Implematation SSLVPN connection via Internet using Junipers SA2500 and RSA (SecureID) systems
2008 Implementation VPN Site2Site connection via Internet (IPSEC) in WAN using CISCO PIX
2008 Redesign WAN using CISCO 871 Routers at clients sites (30 sites)
2004 Implementation VPN standalone connection via Internet (IPSEC) in WAN using CISCO PIX IOS and CISCO VPN Client + iKey2000 token SafeNet
2003 Implementation redundance corporate network using MicroWave (Ericsson Mini-Link 23 GHz)
2003 Update corporate network using CISCO Routers and CISCO PIX act as internal firewall
2002 Migration LAN protocol from Token Ring to Ethernet using CISCO 4500 Switches and UTP cable infrastructure
2000 Implementation secured connection in WAN using IPSEC on CISCO Routers
1998 Migration servers system from Novell to Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 with AD Domain using HW IBM Servers
1997 Test satellite connection in WAN using VSAT + X.25 (using Eicon System at clients)
1996 Switch WAN network protocol to TCP/IP protocol using CISCO routers and DLSw for connection via SNA
1996 Implemetation WAN with central and clients routers (CISCO 7200, 2501,2502)
1996 Redisign WAN link protocol from X.25 to digital lines 64 kbps via E1/channelized and Frame Realy Network (PVC48 )
1994 Implementation WAN network using X.25 lines 9600bps, PC MSDOS at clients and IBM AS400 in centrum using Eicon Systems (SNA Gateway + Workstation for AS400)
1994 Implementation information system using BBS and async dial-up modems
1994 Implementation information system using TELETEXT (Cesk Televize) and async dial-up modems
1994 Implementation SNA connection from IBM AS400 to PC MS DOS/Windows 3.1 with coexistence Novell and SNA
1994 Implementation corporate LAN using system Novell 4.1 and MS DOS/Win3.1 in topology Token-Ring (MAU)
1993 Administration LAN using Novell 4.1 and PC running OS Microsoft DOS/Win3.1
1992 Programming application (technique procedures semiconductor system) in FOX and BASIC
1991 Programming appliction on ZX Spectrum in Z80 CPU Assembly / MachineCode Instructions
1990 Administration PCs with OS Microsoft DOS

Created by DuPe 2010-2021