2024 | Test and Implementation VMware VDI appVolumes |
2024 | Test and Implementation Veeam Immutable Storage |
2023 | Disc Array Reorganization |
2022 | Migration VMware NSX-V to NSX-T |
2020 | Implementation and test some cloud services from Microsoft Azure (Intune, IoT HUB, etc.) |
2020 | Implementation "Corporate Home Office" using VPN |
2019 | Redesign topology in core corporate network using CISCO ASA cluster |
2019 | Implementation VMware UEM to VDI |
2018 | Implementation Trend Micro Security Appliances into VMware NSX |
2018 | Implementation BGP to WAN |
2017 | Implementation VMware NSX - Software Defined Networking |
2016 | Upgrade corporate network with new core switches CISCO NEXUS |
2015 | Implementation backup solution VEEAM (previously used system EMC Networker) |
2014 | IBM PureFlex Nodes connection into core corporate network |
2014 | Implematetion intranet system using cloud service Share Point Online from Microsoft 365 |
2013 | Testing Federation Services (Microsoft ADFS ) and Workplace Join and Multifactor Authentication |
2013 | Migration corporate mail services from IBM Lotus Notes to Exchange Online in Microsoft Office 365 cloud |
2013 | Implementation Desktop Virtualization (VDI) using VMware Horizon |
2012 | Testing and comparing cloud office services (Google vs. Microsoft Office365) |
2012 | Implementation LAN interconnection using 10 Gbps via LW optical service |
2012 | Implementation SAN interconnection using FC switches via LW 4Gbps optical lambda service |
2011 | Implementation servers virtualization using VMware vSphere and HW Server IBM x3850 as hypervizors |
2010 | Creating web DUPEDUP using HTML and PHP |
2009 | Upgrade core corporate network using CISCO ASA |
2009 | Implematation SSLVPN connection via Internet using Junipers SA2500 and RSA (SecureID) systems |
2008 | Implementation VPN Site2Site connection via Internet (IPSEC) in WAN using CISCO PIX |
2008 | Redesign WAN using CISCO 871 Routers at clients sites (30 sites) |
2004 | Implementation VPN standalone connection via Internet (IPSEC) in WAN using CISCO PIX IOS and CISCO VPN Client + iKey2000 token SafeNet |
2003 | Implementation redundance corporate network using MicroWave (Ericsson Mini-Link 23 GHz) |
2003 | Update corporate network using CISCO Routers and CISCO PIX act as internal firewall |
2002 | Migration LAN protocol from Token Ring to Ethernet using CISCO 4500 Switches and UTP cable infrastructure |
2000 | Implementation secured connection in WAN using IPSEC on CISCO Routers |
1998 | Migration servers system from Novell to Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 with AD Domain using HW IBM Servers |
1997 | Test satellite connection in WAN using VSAT + X.25 (using Eicon System at clients) |
1996 | Switch WAN network protocol to TCP/IP protocol using CISCO routers and DLSw for connection via SNA |
1996 | Implemetation WAN with central and clients routers (CISCO 7200, 2501,2502) |
1996 | Redisign WAN link protocol from X.25 to digital lines 64 kbps via E1/channelized and Frame Realy Network (PVC48 ) |
1994 | Implementation WAN network using X.25 lines 9600bps, PC MSDOS at clients and IBM AS400 in centrum using Eicon Systems (SNA Gateway + Workstation for AS400) |
1994 | Implementation information system using BBS and async dial-up modems |
1994 | Implementation information system using TELETEXT (Cesk Televize) and async dial-up modems |
1994 | Implementation SNA connection from IBM AS400 to PC MS DOS/Windows 3.1 with coexistence Novell and SNA |
1994 | Implementation corporate LAN using system Novell 4.1 and MS DOS/Win3.1 in topology Token-Ring (MAU) |
1993 | Administration LAN using Novell 4.1 and PC running OS Microsoft DOS/Win3.1 |
1992 | Programming application (technique procedures semiconductor system) in FOX and BASIC |
1991 | Programming appliction on ZX Spectrum in Z80 CPU Assembly / MachineCode Instructions |
1990 | Administration PCs with OS Microsoft DOS |
Created by DuPe 2010-2021